Musgrove Art - Stories


“I am a bear of very little brain and long words bother me.” (Winnie the Pooh)

The stuffed animal sits and stares at a wall,
the stuffing and stuff immobile.
Glazed eyes and stitches strain,
a smile force threaded into its face.
Little black plastic nosey nose.
(a tag on its ass indicates racial orientation.)
From a land far-far away where fluffy hypo-allergenic creatures roam and frolic,
dine on Styrofoam, burping it, puking it. . .
A fearless life mostly.
Though, one unfortunate creature I know of was once inadvertently used as a car washing sponge!! Repeatedly plunged face first into soapy water, then put to scrubbing windows and tires. . .
He was never the same after that.
For whenever he was hugged or squeezed by some naïve, affectionate child,
Fuzzy would spray a huge b-l-a-s-t of white foam,
straight from the depths of his tightly stitched ass. . .
To the horror of parent and child both. . .