Musgrove Art - Stories

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at a time of challenge and controversy” (MLK JR)
I sit back and try to read a book
The words blend: garble gabble bla-bla-blah.
I sit, space into a TV screen
soundless flicky-fuck, flash-ka-bang
Piss on it!!
I’ll write my own fucking stories here in my cage!
I sit on my bunk in faded old red state-issue shorts, torso slouched over, staring down at my big toe, ‘pink on cement.’ A decent masculine shape and a curl of dark hairs, On top a fat green vein pulses faintly.
Without thinking I bring my knee up to my chin and rest my cheek there, “I lick my kneecap,”
smell it, spitty stink, , , a weird feeling though like I’m actually human still.
A slight tear in my eye, I don’t know why, , ,
Danny-Danny-Dan-Daniel. . .
Seemed like I’d just shaved recently? A stubble already? Fuckin’ hair-hair everywhere,
clip, shave, pluck, clip, shave, pluck!
“Can’t I hire someone to do this?”
I get mad, flip-out, rattle the cage bars like a monkey-
Eat, shit, piss, sleep, brush, fart, eat, shit, piss, sleep, brush, rinse, fart, repeat. . . 

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