‘The 6th of November’, the second new element66 release of 2021 once again puts Kenneth Fisher at the writing helm. With this very personal concept album about the loss of his soulmate to a tragic accident, he expresses that he feels like a broken shell of a man left to wander the earth alone, now that the love of his life is gone. She may be gone, but she’ll never be forgotten, ‘The 6th of November’ is dedicated in the honor of her memory.
Breaking through the oppressive hand that holds you down. Rise above the noise, rise above the chaos. Overcome the adversity of your situation, whatever it may be.
The 6th of November
I remember the day everything changed, the tragic day I lost my wife. In the process of remembering those we have lost; we give them life again. I’ll remember the good along with the bad, and I’ll try not to forget anything about the time we shared.
I Do
If ever you have been trapped in a codependent relationship, then you already know.
Codependence only tears you apart. You are an island unto yourself, and you can be singular and strong. All you need is to find the love within.
She Haunts Me
She told me that she loved me so much that if she should ever die, she would come back to haunt me just so we could be together.
Get Me Out
A Safe Place
Sitting on the couch in the living room of his small apartment. He looks into the reflection of the powerless television, you know, the old kind with the big, curved glass. If you stare long enough at the reflection in the glass, strange things start to happen. He sees himself in that glass, sees himself morph into a monster. Like the caricature of some type of lycanthropic apparition. The beast rises from within. One single thought consumes his consciousness, “Hide! Everyone fucking hide!”
A musical moment without vocals can be a refreshing intermission.
Event Horizon
Once I came to realizations that the ability to see the future is written into the laws of physics, I had to figure out how to express those laws axiomatically. One of the first steps in doing this is to discover the law of conservation of entropy.
1000 SUNS
Far in the future our sun will die, but before it does it will swell up into a red super giant. When this happens the surface of the sun will reach far enough to swallow the earth. Burning the world with the fire of 1000 suns.
Nothing In This World (Feat. Mechy La’Velle)
Regret and redemption. Can one exist without the other? I guess we can have regret without redemption, but redemption cannot exist in isolation. Redemption exists as a dichotomy of resolution to the oppressive influence of our past. A binary operation on the fractal order of magnitude of our consciousness.
When Kenneth Fisher lost his wife to a horrible accident, he was left so twisted with grief that he felt life wasn’t worth living and eventually surrendered to the sorrow of intense depression. After giving into the dark embrace of self-destructed, Kenny found himself sentenced to over two decades in the isolated world of the American Prison System.
Sometimes good things can come from bad situations. After being locked away in an Oregon maximum security prison, Kenneth Fisher met Chad Hamlin, and together they created element66. When Kenny was first introduced to Chad; Chad was in the process of creating Fur Roach Music as a record label / publishing company, which would allow him to release his experimental music project called LooNurGooSe. Chad and Kenny hit it off and realized that they had the same interests in music production, so they decided to collaborate on a new project that they called element66. They worked together diligently from 2013 to 2015 and then took a six-year break while Chad worked on his LooNurGooSe project. Kenny and Chad reunited the element66 project in 2021 releasing two new albums, ‘Dopeless Hope Feen’ and ‘The 6th of November’.
The two incarcerated men are fully devoted to their commitment to the transformative process of audio production as part of their prison reform recovery program. This keeps them positive and productive, allowing them to strive to do better as members of the Human Race. Improving themselves as human beings and giving back to the world has allowed them a chance to change for the better, it’s a means to fix the future for not only themselves, but also for others.
Enjoy the ride.
Chad Hamlin
Kenneth Fisher